
Monday, January 6, 2014

If I Were Really Being Honest

You'd know I try to keep my calmest  
Enough to be balanced 
On the outside 

What's inside 
A huge filing cabinet without folders, labels, in disarray 
Organizing is like standing in the eye of a tornado

This feeling inside me is causing constant disaster  
Wanting to catch it but it's slippery  
 A soapy bar  
Hoping to grip it
Oh so close 
But I'm falling too fast 
Nothing to hold  
Stretching my limbs  
Already sold  
No longer am bold 

In this presence I feel weak 
At a loss of words waiting for you to speak 
Just trying to get through  
Taking deep breaths 
Walking up a stair case with too many steps 
Squinting for answers  
Only brings up those pre-test regrets  

Stomach sinking low 
Lost of treasure  
Filled with bubbles of displeasure 
Mind wrapped around you  
Twisting, turning, tossing, swaying 
They say I'm caught up 
Love drunk 
All that means is judgment went flying 
And I threw it  

It flys by and away 
Eyes glazed over  
Polished and sealed  
I made a deal 
No regards of myself, my mind, my heart 

Another petal drawn  
Plucked from the purity  
Torn away from the intended wholeness 
When I place it in those hands 
Trust it in those palms  

Vulnerability is shown in the scars 
Of another man 
I will get through this 
I will get through this 
Seeing the distance  
Noticing a difference  

Will I trust my intuition 
Step back from the situation  
Take the objective stance  
There's the evidence 
Something is shifting  

I can sense it 
Now I just need to believe it 
Just believe it  
It's when the grip becomes loose  
I tend to hold tighter 
As if I need to clarify my value 
Excuse me 
Don’t you see what I want to give to you 
No, you don't even want to receive  
And yet here I sit  

Convincing myself you need to believe  
Believe in my value, my love 
What we could, together, achieve  
But you don't see 
Its just me 
You don't see  

Does that lower my worth  
I seem to be convinced that it does 

Although it does hurt  
Nothing about what I am, have and desire to give is changed  
It cannot be negotiated down 
It is not given to be tossed around 
It is not a game  
And I 
Will move on 
Because my love is enough  

It is bold and strong
It is powerful and accepting  
It is not up for betting  
No luck or chance will win me 
Nor will the desire to be irreplaceable  
In me has been placed true beauty 
I will not settle for anyone who sees through me 

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