
Monday, May 25, 2015

When Love is Right

When love is right
It happens naturally
You don't force or fight

When love is right
It happens before you know
Makes you oh, so high

When love is right
You don't have to question anyone else
True love prevails with light

When love is right
You don't feel weak or confused
It captures and proves its might

When love is right
You don't wonder if you're the only one
There is a want on both sides

When love is right
You are empowered as an individual
And yet, you choose to be with that other person
So, together you can take on life

You don't let the past pains get in the way
When they come up
You choose to let them come so they can fade

You don't need to have them
To feel complete
You are both whole parts of the pie
Choosing to be together out of want, not need

You lift each other up
Not demean
You're headed in the same direction of growth
In your beliefs

You bring up and issue to come to a resolve
Not to find security
In something to temporarily dissolve

The big picture makes more sense
On the journey with them
You'll want them with you in every step

You propel each other forward
Feeling more free and alive
It's always a risk to love what you could lose
But that's when you know the love is right 

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