
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Disillusioned Longing

Catching myself dreaming
Of arms that don't hold me 
Thinking upon things unwritten
Reliving memories
Future fantasies
But ultimately creating
Another life in my mind
Unknown to my reality
I'm pushing myself to the side

And I wonder if I myself have something to hide
So I want someone else to tease it out of me
I tell myself I'm worthy 
And I am but
Those thoughts like to desert me 

I'm okay with who I am
Until I suck myself into the cycle
Caught up in the hands of a man 
I don't want my mind to be a space
Where I rent out to you my mental place

My mental state
Is shuffled and hard to find like a joker card
I'm not a magician with memorized tricks
Trying to figure myself out would require 
A countless amount of picks

So I'm hoping maybe I'll get lucky
If that even is a thing
I think it's more like random
Which just means taking a chance
But is rolling the dice
Another hopeless romance?

I was great before you appeared 
Seeming innocent and fresh
But now you've got me wondering
What is the value of my breath 
My chest
Pounds at the thought of you
Still I'm not sure what I even mean to you

And I think my hearts leading me somewhere 
It wants me to go somewhere new
Because with you 
It's unprotected
That's a dangerous place
Without you it feels neglected 
I long for no trail back to you to be traced

I can't let myself put the blame on you 
I won't allow my heart to do so
The thought of something 
Is what pains me
The possibility is what's so enticing

But here's the question I struggle with most
If it was what I wanted would it satisfy us both?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Desire For Validation

The seams are stretching 
Torn apart one hole after another 

It's growing inside me 
Going up in sizes before my eyes
The yearning desire

Expanding every chamber 

And in the midst of this

I want to disappear
Neglect all responsibilities

Strike through my task list
Shred my planner
And forget all the difficulties

Put my heart on pause
Let my brain have a break
Purge out my flaws

Cleanse the filters
Operation out the internal struggle
Pull apart the knots

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Restriction breaking through the chains
Life can be surrounded by pain
When in reality there is freedom
Freedom that unleashes the beast inside of you
Everyone and everything wants to contain
Freedom through the you inside you that has this ridiculous mane
Not just for looks
and not just some name
No this mane frames the face of the talent, creativity and innovation
Of your uniqueness
You are your own original
So stop letting others have last say to be sold
Don't let what the world has to say allow you to become cold
Slipping into slumber
There goes your mind
Wandering around the world aimlessly
But in reality
Shielded from the life up above
They'd rather have you believing in the dark
The light is too powerful
Crawling through tunnels
Have you believing your life should be like a mole
But your life has something to say
Let it out before yourself
Let it speak itself into being
Break the caves
Blow out the walls around you and let yourself stray
From the flow of things
They are Always rushing and pushing and expecting
Placing burdens on you more weighty than the rattle you shook as a baby
Dangling toys above your head distracting you from the rest
Hoping to keep you preoccupied
Brought up in school
We're told to strive for what they say is the best
So that you won't be punished for your failed test
Who cares about grades
Receiving C's is average,  and A's bring praise
But in the scope of the bigger picture
Failing shouldn't be so stressed
Because in the bigger picture
We get knocked off our feet
We get thrown around a bit- a lot
But it's in those times we remember that when we do what they say
We don't have to be worried
So we align closer every day
To absorb in fullness what they teach
Utter back to them perfectly every single speech
Categorizing, memorizing, opinion-izing
Not allowing for each to be each
Drilling into the cells of your memory
Yet it's what they say and think
And we wonder why we lack so much security

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Money Makes the World Go Round

Feeling crummy?
Buy something nice to flip that frown
I got what you want 
Half price

What you have is good..
But this is better
Not feeling satisfied?
It's a not lie

It's really what you're missing
Something new deep down inside
Let your grasp loosen and give into the ride
All you need is..
To try

Work harder
More hours
Dream bigger
Don't smell the flowers

Treat yourself because you deserve it
Skip the meal and get double dessert
As far as I'm concerned
Learn how to twerk

When you have a desire
Pursue it
Go all the way through with it

Emotions and logic?
All they do is create and obstacle course
You'll be convinced that in all your deepest inmost being
From the depths of your soul
To your smallest need

Rely, depend, desire and believe
In the valuable substance
That hard work brings

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Chains, Heaviness
Burdens push against my chest
As I inhale
The hot air shortens my breaths

All I want is to see
Open up my eyes and leave
The heat burns my eyes 
They begin to raise

My eyelashes singed in a flash
My nails jagged and weak 
Encasing the struggle of resistance underneath

All I want is to let my head rest
The weight above my shoulders 
Heavy and wobbling with every blind step

I can feel the pain
I am aware that I am in need 
And for once in my life I can't get myself out

My raspy, dry breath finds the courage to break open its sealed chamber
Out comes a cry
Desperate and quiet 
But in helplessness I try

Almost in an instant 
The Son is raining down
I squint my eyes 
Then open them wide
Blinking continuously
Unsure if the heat will rush inside

I lift my hand to my face
It's light and free without weight
I feel little feathers covering my eyes
Shielding me from the light

My lungs are healed 
A smooth river of air travels in and out
I breathe fast and slow
Feel the river travel as I never have before

I forget about all heaviness
And I straighten myself up
It feels like I am being helped up

Held as I stand and I take a step
I feel a freedom all the way into my veins
I can think again in my fully functioning brain

I build up the strength to bring a noise to my lips
Without effort I can speak
I forget what it is to feel weak

But it wasn't me who brought me here
I feel a presence surrounding me
Carrying my burdens
Understanding of my pain
Aware of all that I've come from
A presence inviting me in
And I walk towards it
I want to walk in 

Monday, January 6, 2014

If I Were Really Being Honest

You'd know I try to keep my calmest  
Enough to be balanced 
On the outside 

What's inside 
A huge filing cabinet without folders, labels, in disarray 
Organizing is like standing in the eye of a tornado

This feeling inside me is causing constant disaster  
Wanting to catch it but it's slippery  
 A soapy bar  
Hoping to grip it
Oh so close 
But I'm falling too fast 
Nothing to hold  
Stretching my limbs  
Already sold  
No longer am bold 

In this presence I feel weak 
At a loss of words waiting for you to speak 
Just trying to get through  
Taking deep breaths 
Walking up a stair case with too many steps 
Squinting for answers  
Only brings up those pre-test regrets  

Stomach sinking low 
Lost of treasure  
Filled with bubbles of displeasure 
Mind wrapped around you  
Twisting, turning, tossing, swaying 
They say I'm caught up 
Love drunk 
All that means is judgment went flying 
And I threw it  

It flys by and away 
Eyes glazed over  
Polished and sealed  
I made a deal 
No regards of myself, my mind, my heart 

Another petal drawn  
Plucked from the purity  
Torn away from the intended wholeness 
When I place it in those hands 
Trust it in those palms  

Vulnerability is shown in the scars 
Of another man 
I will get through this 
I will get through this 
Seeing the distance  
Noticing a difference  

Will I trust my intuition 
Step back from the situation  
Take the objective stance  
There's the evidence 
Something is shifting  

I can sense it 
Now I just need to believe it 
Just believe it  
It's when the grip becomes loose  
I tend to hold tighter 
As if I need to clarify my value 
Excuse me 
Don’t you see what I want to give to you 
No, you don't even want to receive  
And yet here I sit  

Convincing myself you need to believe  
Believe in my value, my love 
What we could, together, achieve  
But you don't see 
Its just me 
You don't see  

Does that lower my worth  
I seem to be convinced that it does 

Although it does hurt  
Nothing about what I am, have and desire to give is changed  
It cannot be negotiated down 
It is not given to be tossed around 
It is not a game  
And I 
Will move on 
Because my love is enough  

It is bold and strong
It is powerful and accepting  
It is not up for betting  
No luck or chance will win me 
Nor will the desire to be irreplaceable  
In me has been placed true beauty 
I will not settle for anyone who sees through me