
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Stamps of Approval

How am I feeling about myself
Does it even matter
My health 
My spiritual wealth

Drained to the bottom
Something that seems forgotten

Spilling out my emotions here
Sure that I can't voice them
It doesn't matter where I want to go
When I'm not okay with where I am

Happiness is based on happening
Those I cannot control
Contentment and peace
The deepest longing
So please, let everything else be released

Wanting to throw away my phone
Held back
When I'm on it I don't feel so alone

I'd rather be by myself
Than with anyone else

In my heart I feel so alone
When did I pay in for the lies
Dropping bits all over 
Like a trick trail in my mind

I need to get off this path
Making me blind
Trapping me inside
Recognition and attention are the cries
Revealing dissatisfaction and insecurities

Masked with stamps of approval 
From individuals lives
At first so appealing
Attracting you in

Once reeled to the surface 
After you bite the bait
You meet the face
Behind your fate

Left with a decision
Do I fight
Or do I let go and give in

One leads to another chance
The other puts you back
Into another person's hands 

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